Reclaiming sustainable infrastructure as a public good: CoST at the C20 Summit

At this year's C20 Summit, CoST will join forces with Eurodad and the Society for International Development to host a joint session exploring the need to ''reclaim sustainable infrastructure as a public good''. As the world seeks to 'build back better' after the Covid-19 pandemic, sustainable infrastructure investments have been given high priority by both

By |2021-10-04T08:41:27+00:00October 1st, 2021|Comments Off on Reclaiming sustainable infrastructure as a public good: CoST at the C20 Summit

CoST’s commitment to promoting gender-inclusive infrastructure

It is well known that the construction industry traditionally attracts and retains more men than women. To take the UK, in 2018 only 12% of UK engineers were female compared to a 47% female composition in the overall UK workforce. Over the last year CoST has increased its focus on promoting greater gender-equality across its

By |2021-09-27T10:26:14+00:00September 27th, 2021|Comments Off on CoST’s commitment to promoting gender-inclusive infrastructure

Interview with Manuela Di Mauro: CoST Board Observer and global advocate of infrastructure transparency

As CoST publishes its latest guidance encouraging greater gender equality across CoST programmes, we speak with our Board observer, Manuela Di Mauro whose impressive CV includes posts within the UK National Infrastructure Commission, the UK Committee on Climate Change and the UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) promoting and implementing infrastructure sustainability and resilience.

By |2021-09-27T10:27:14+00:00September 27th, 2021|Comments Off on Interview with Manuela Di Mauro: CoST Board Observer and global advocate of infrastructure transparency

CoST releases open-source repository: Interview with Evelyn Hernandez

Today CoST publishes its CoST GitHub Repository, host of open-source tools developed by CoST members for free use by the data community. The community can also contribute their tools to the system, helping to further improvements to the infrastructure sector worldwide. We speak with the repository lead, Evelyn Hernandez who outlines more. 1. How important

By |2021-07-15T14:32:18+00:00July 8th, 2021|Comments Off on CoST releases open-source repository: Interview with Evelyn Hernandez

CoST releases open-source technology to better strengthen economies and improve lives

Today we launch our CoST GitHub Repository host of our innovative open-source tools for free use by the data community. By providing these tools and encouraging others to contribute their products, together we can better fulfil our mission to deliver quality infrastructure, stronger economies and improved lives. Award-winning tools SISOCS and SISOCS PPPs The CoST

By |2021-07-10T11:15:43+00:00July 8th, 2021|Comments Off on CoST releases open-source technology to better strengthen economies and improve lives

Lessons shared from heightening PPP transparency in Honduras

As countries build back from the economic crisis, high-value Public-Private Partnership (PPP) infrastructure contracts may be increasingly adopted to fill vital infrastructure needs. Indeed, last month the G7 Summit Statement highlighted the role of private sector capital to do so. Such investment with benefits such as no upfront payment may be particularly appealing at this

By |2021-07-27T11:42:26+00:00July 8th, 2021|Comments Off on Lessons shared from heightening PPP transparency in Honduras
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