Construction workers wearing 'CoST' branded vests

Join us for virtual event on Africa and Infrastructure Transparency on 14th July

1.4 min read

On Thursday 14th July at 2pm for a 90 minute virtual African regional symposium on “Imagine an Africa with Infrastructure Transparencyscheduled for Thursday July 14, 2022, at 2-3:30pm EAT. 

The event will be attended by speakers and participants from governments, development partners, private sector, and civil society. Please register to join us

Sub Saharan Africa needs USD 93 billion annually for infrastructure development, but only USD 45 billion is being mobilised while the IMF estimates that over 50% of investment in infrastructure in Africa is lost due to corruption, mismanagement, and inefficiency. 

Under such complicated and difficult contexts, incremental progress is only possible when countries and stakeholders take accountability and transparency initiatives and mechanisms, for establishing stronger foundations for delivering quality infrastructure more critically.     

In the last ten years, we have documented impact at project and sector levels and influenced policy reforms across o membership countries in Africa.  

This includes strengthening citizen engagement, leading to improvements to the quality of infrastructure projects; key requirements around health, safety and environmental protection being met in Ghana, Malawi and Uganda; $3.5m USD and six months in construction time in Africa.   

We achieve this impact by building capacities of public officials to disclose infrastructure data; citizens to use disclosed data to scrutinize projects and hold duty bearers to account using citizens platforms; stakeholder clinics, and development of user-friendly information portal and platforms and for the private sector to engage on a level playing field in doing business.   

Join us to share perspectives on advancing transparency in public infrastructure projects in Africa. There will also be a Q&A during the discussion. This event is free and open for all to attend.

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