CoST workshop at OGP Summit: Building better and open infrastructure

1 min read

Every year trillions of dollars are wasted in the infrastructure sector worldwide due to corruption, mismanagement and inefficiency. Since 2012, CoST has been working to address this issue and build stronger economies, better quality infrastructure, greater trust and a fairer playing field.

In OGP Summit week, CoST will hold an invite-only workshop for those keen to advance infrastructure transparency and open government commitments in their countries. Our event will focus on how CoST can be incorporated into OGP action plans, alongside the CoST approach, adaptability and impact.

We will welcome participants to share their experiences to help us join up approaches. A high-level panel with H.E. Yama Yari, Minister of Public Works, Afghanistan, Alfredo Cantero, President of the Honduras Transparency Commission, Government of Honduras, Kelvin Chirwa, Chief Executive, Malawi Economic Justice Network and Tonu Basu of Open Government Partnership will focus on the complementarities of CoST and OGP and the marked impact CoST has had the panellists’ respective countries.

CoST workshop at the OGP Summit
Building better and open infrastructure

Date and time 
Wednesday 29 May
9.00 – 13.30 (lunch from 12.30)

Westin Hotel, Ottawa, with connecting walkway to the Summit venue

Join us
Express interest to join the workshop, email:
Subject line: Join CoST-OGP workshop

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