CoST Features in Puerto Vallarta G20 Meeting

0.9 min read

In April CoST Chairman Christiaan Poortman presented CoST to a High Level Dialogue on Anti-Corruption, Transparency and Business Leadership, that formed part of the G20 Trade Ministers Meeting in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. The meeting was attended by senior political figures and global industry leaders.

Mr Poortman drew on the experience of the CoST pilot project to demonstrate how Multi-stakeholder initiatives can help deliver practical benefits for all those involved. He also described the CoST Global Programme and explained how it can help to improve the business environment and encourage inward investment.

Whilst in Puerto Vallarta Mr Poortman also addressed a Partnership Against Corruption Initiative (PACI) Task Force Meeting organised by the World Economic Forum. He explained to participants that although CoST can help to create a business environment in which corruption is less likely to occur, it tends to focus on working with national partners to deliver positive improvements in management capacity, efficiency and value for money.

The invitation to attend the Puerto Vallarta meeting came after the G20 endorsed CoST at its Cannes Summit in November 2011.

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