Launching of Transparency Initiatives in Honduras Public Construction

1 min read

Last week, the Honduran Presidential House hosted the event “Launching of Transparency Initiatives in the Public Construction Sector” led by Minister for Infrastructure, Roberto Ordoñez.

At the event, over 90 participants had the opportunity to watch a performance demonstration of the Information System for Monitoring Works and Contracts (SISOCS) where all items of the CoST Infrastructure Data Standard has been disclosed on road sector projects financed with external funds, which is the first disclosure commitment made by the Government of Honduras to the CoST MSG.

Additionally, the CoST Honduras Constitution was signed by all representatives of the MSG organizations and also a Memorandum of Understanding between the Ministry of Infrastructure and a civil society organization (EROC) member of CoST Honduras, with the aim of promoting social audit processes and the use of the information disclosed in SISOCS.

Finally, a Complaint Management System (SMQ) was presented which will allow continuous feedback from citizenship to the Ministry of Infrastructure (INSEP) during construction processes of public infrastructure pursuing continuous improvement and delivering quality services.

This event is an expression of political willingness and commitment to transparency providing a new impulse to the successful development of CoST Honduras program.

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