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Our commitment to infrastructure transparency at a challenging time

1.1 min read

In response to Coronavirus diseases (COVID-19), CoST has put in place measures to reduce its transmission and to prioritise the health and wellbeing of its members, staff and the various stakeholders we work with.

At the CoST International Secretariat (CoST IS) these measures include cancelling, rescheduling or amending physical meetings to virtual ones for the near future and we have encouraged our members to do the same or at the very least, to follow country-specific guidance.

Our commitment to improving global infrastructure transparency remains steadfast and so our virtual meetings will be held in innovative formats to remain effective and bring together the host of stakeholders who make CoST a success. CoST member virtual meetings, where possible, will continue to convene government, private sector, civil society and the media and ensure that each contributes with an equal voice. At CoST IS we will also be uniting key partners and global organisations online to focus on delivering improved infrastructure, stronger economies and better lives, whilst helping to meet some of the most pressing challenges of our time.

CoST works with 19 members spanning four continents in challenging contexts worldwide, with several of our members including Fragile and Conflict Affected States. Our team of regional managers are now working closely with national and sub-national managers to provide additional support at this time, offering advice and helping to mitigate the challenges they face.

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